
MySpace Predator

MySpace is full of predators – SushiLand Predatorというのは肉食動物のことだが、ネットではMySpaceで身元を明かしている未成年を狙ったpedophilia等の犯罪予備軍を指す。昨年の今頃はその危険性が盛んに指摘されていたものだが(規制法案は通ったんだっけ…

Critic for Joost

p2pの始祖Bram CohenによるJoostへの批判をValleywagも支持しているようだ。 Joost looks like a humble distributor, merely relaying the channels of content owners. And that is its genius. Joost looks just like a harmless cable operator to the b…

Clown Co. - seven dwarves - History repeats itself

The rumors of a joint venture to counter the perceived Google-YouTube threat, dubbed “Clown Co.” by Google executives, are now confirmed, Confirmed: TV Networks Launch New Company To Counter Perceived Google/YouTube Threat - TechCrunch Goo…



Viacom’s Double Standard

何故か金曜から更新が止まっているValleywagの記事。 And why not, while Viacom's at it, sue other video sharing sites that offer copyrighted material, such as iFilm? Ah, awkward: that particular video hub is owned by -- you've guessed it -- a…

NetVibes’s Widgets

My feeling though is that all the small players are competing for some of My Yahoo's 50 million users. Netvibes may well be a "super-personalized homepage", but My Yahoo has a super-advantage with its 50M user base. I was actually wonderin…

Arrington’s New Boss

I’m still digesting today’s somewhat surprising news that Michael Arrington has hired Heather Harde as CEO of the TechCrunch Network. For those who don’t know, Heather is currently in charge of Acquisitions and Mergers at Fox Interactive M…


Here’s a comical clip from the show “Japanorama”, in which presenter Jonathan Ross makes an embarrassing attempt to speak Japanese. He tries to pick up a cosplay model, using a cellphone that you listen to by sticking your finger in your e…

The Cult of the Amateur

Andrew Keen による『The Cult of the Amateur』という本が出る。「アマチュア崇拝:デジタル世界がいかに我々の経済、文化、価値を貶めているか」というタイトルはなかなかに挑発的である。 既に Dave Winer と Dan Farber の書評を読んだが、Dave Winer の…


For whatever reason, they’ve decided not to include any ads with this initial release. While ads can be tastefully placed for monetization, it’ll be nice for users to have a completely clean user interface. What is My.Netscape missing? For…


Knife Throwing Techniques of the Ninja By Bryan Wong on January 25, 2007 @ 1986 BUTOKUKAI, NKTC INC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for purposes of review, without written permission of the …

Viacom - Joost

Viacom has announced a deal with Joost that will see the new P2P-based video start-up "broadcasting" Viacom's music videos, TV shows and other materials on the service. Viacom will provide Joost with content not only from MTV, but also fro…


Youtubeってカウチポテトできないから駄目じゃんと思っていた私からすると,Rimoは実に魅力的なサービスだ. RimoはYoutubeよりもテレビ局を刺激する - 雑種路線でいこう EPGではないが見れる動画がサムネイル表示でずらーと並ぶコンテンツ一覧表示・選択画…

Will Widgets Kill the Webpage?

NetvibesのCEOであるTariq Krimの挑戦的発言。 It's Krim's way of contributing to the budding widget economy. Netvibes has 10 million active users, If you figure that each one has created at least five modules per page, that's a lot of potent…

Orli Yakuel

Her account was actually once deleted by Digg for some kind of malfeasance, though Arrington supposedly helped convince Digg to reinstate her. Yakuel's Flickr stream gushes over Techcrunch and Arrington with the starstruck enthusiasm of Ti…

The Machine is Us/ing Us

既にBlogosphereのあちこちで紹介されまくってるこれだが。 Web 2.0 in just under 5 minutes. Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us - YouTube Cool ! の一言に尽きるwww 個人的にはNetVibesが出ているのが嬉しかったり。みんなもっと使おうよ!


Web2.0関連のサイトを検索するのに、実に便利な方法があるのをご存知だろうか? Web2.0のサイトを探すのに便利 (GO2WEB2.0)- Youmos 何が「ご存知だろうか?」だ。TechCrunchパクっただけじゃねーかwwww


The world seems to be a very competitive place now a days...What do you think? Do guys know people like this??? LisaNova またもやYouTubeからTV界への進出に成功した人が出た模様。 LisaNova, one of the top YouTubers, has followed Barats and Be…

The Web Celeb 25

The Forbes.com Web Celeb 25 is a list of the biggest, brightest and most influential people on the Internet. From bloggers to podcasters to YouTube stars, these are the people who are creating the digital world from the bottom up. The Web …

The Economics of SaaS

This post, based on a review of the current public SaaS comps, is the SaaS analog. The analysis includes: WSSI, CRM, OMTR, RNOW, TLEO, and VOCS. The Economics of SaaS: We Need a Platform - Will Price via O'relly Radar O'relly Radarで紹介さ…

Time To Retire !?

If so, this would be the perfect time for John Doerr, the legendary investor who got KP into the fabulously profitable search engine, to retire. Time for John Doerr to go - Valleywag 偉そうにGossip Blogごときが伝説のVentire Capitalistに引…


All that happened was this: Anyone trying to add a Flash widget to the site, or show an image via an inserted link, or otherwise embed any sort of code, couldn’t do it. Existing widgets worked fine, but none could be added. And if a MySpac…

they aren't companies, they are functions

Too many people are out there working on idiot ideas. Many of the ideas out there aren't that great; they aren't companies, they are functions; and some of them aren't even that! 'Too many people working on idiot ideas' - Valleywag functio…


(これは小飼弾の読み方の続きではない。ITProでは文体が違う) しかし、その智慧を力に代えようとする時、ほとんどの場合において我々は群れる必要があるのです。智慧だけでは生きて行けぬ以上、我々は「ヒト」ではなく「人間」として行動しなければならない…

Spend money to marketing

先に取り上げたMichael Arringtonの記事に対するFractals of Changeの見解。Michaelの論拠のひとつに、Web1.0時代に比してWeb2.0企業が必要とする(=VCが出す)資金が遥かに少ないことがあげられていたが、開発に関してはそうであっても、それだけでは足りない、…

I think he's a decent man.

But this doesn’t mean we’re in a bubble. In fact, I think the exact opposite. I think a few failures are direct evidence that we are not in a bubble and that the private venture markets are actually in the process of letting off a little s…


べにぢょのらぶこーる - mixiコミュ乗っ取り事件を3行で説明するよ! 煩悩是道場 - mixiコミュ乗っ取り事件は三行で説明出来ないNEW!いやー、はてブの並びがこうなってたんで、てっきり「煩悩是道場」さんが「こんな大事件とても3行じゃ伝えられねぇよ」と匙を投…


Most people use LinkedIn to “get to someone” in order to make a sale, form a partnership, or get a job. The average number of LinkedIn connections for people who work at Google is forty-seven. The average number for Harvard Business School…


こ、これは....!! http://www.google.com/trends?q=Web2.0&date=all&geo=all&ctab=0&sa=N スペースが抜けてる。 Reddit おお。 http://www.google.com/trends?q=Web+2.0&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all なんとなくほっとしたw


Toyota's redesigned Web site for hybrid vehicle owners, launched Tuesday, lets owners create profiles of themselves that can include their age group, vehicle color, and reasons why they drive a hybrid. Profiles can be searched and viewed i…