

私がシャンプーもリンスも一切使わなくなってから、1年ちょっとたちます。そのおかげで、かつてのような髪の毛のべたつきがなくなりました。お湯で頭皮をマッサージするように洗うだけで、髪の毛はいつもサラサラです。 シャンプー&リンス:数千万人の日本…

robotic parking garages

TechEBlog has put together a neat little roundup of peculiar devices powered by Windows. The most hardcore of which is showcased above. A fully robotic parking garage run from an off-the-shelf PC running NT. It’s said to even be effective …


Yesterday a marketing campaign for Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” caused a massive panic in Boston, when LED signs of Ignignot and Err (Mooninite Marauders characters from the show) were mistaken as explosive de…


The world seems to be a very competitive place now a days...What do you think? Do guys know people like this??? LisaNova またもやYouTubeからTV界への進出に成功した人が出た模様。 LisaNova, one of the top YouTubers, has followed Barats and Be…


Daniel Giersch, a German-born 32-year old entrepreneur, has just announced that his company received a positive ruling last week from the Harmonization Office supporting his claim that "Gmail" and his own "G-mail" are confusingly similar. …

"Super Tonio"

A Mexican woman has given birth to an unusually large baby. Dubbed "Super Tonio", the baby weighed in at a massive 6.6kg when he was delivered by staff at the Jesus Kumate Rodriguez hospital in Cancun, Mexico. Giant baby born in Mexico - T…