

前から疑問だったことをストレートにぶつけてくれた人がいて参考になった。 性別という前提も含めて、過ちが大きければ大きいほど腐女子が喜びます。 腐女子の方に質問です。ホモのどこがよいのか、男にも理解できるように教えてください。 - Hatena:Questio…


放送業界の掟なんぞは知らないが。 映画プロデューサ亀山千広氏が企業の壁を超えて啓蒙活動をおこないました. * 痛いニュース(ノ∀`):「業界の暗黙のルール破られた!」 映画デスノートめぐりフジが日テレに激怒 フジテレビというとあんなイメージやこんなイ…



“イタ車”は“一般人”にウケるデザインなのだが、“痛車”は“逸般人”に受けるデザインなのだ。 コミケに集まる車は“イタ車”ならぬ“痛車”だった - 痛いニュース(ノ∀`) 何気に「逸般人」はウマいと思ったのだが、スレ見ると誰もそこには突っ込んでなかったorz


こ、これは....!! http://www.google.com/trends?q=Web2.0&date=all&geo=all&ctab=0&sa=N スペースが抜けてる。 Reddit おお。 http://www.google.com/trends?q=Web+2.0&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all なんとなくほっとしたw

Empire Strikes Rose Parade?

Boing Boingの写真じゃ良く分からなかったけど、こんな面白いことやってたのねw One of the main attractions at Monday’s 118th annual Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA was the Star Wars Spectacular, which featured George Lucas and 350 Star Wars charact…

Sticky Post-It Note Jaguar

ジャガーの新車にポストイット張りまくったんだとww well this time the employees of a company named InPhonic decided to give their friend’s newly purchased Jaguar an interesting “paintjob” Sticky Post-It Note Jaguar - Daily Buzzer Jaguar cove…


Toyota's redesigned Web site for hybrid vehicle owners, launched Tuesday, lets owners create profiles of themselves that can include their age group, vehicle color, and reasons why they drive a hybrid. Profiles can be searched and viewed i…

Hard Drive Speaker !

Unlike other hard drive speakers, this creation by Kyong actually has decent sound quality/playback, meaning you can hear a bit more than just static. Here’s a great tutorial for those interested in making their own. Hard Drive Speaker Act…

they're poisoned.

折りしも塩野七生がNHKやら日経やらに露出しまくっていたところだったので、気を引いた。 ROME - Italian scientists believe they have uncovered a 400-year-old murder. Historians have long suspected that Francesco de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscan…

Blue Origin Revealed

After years of working behind closed doors and locked gates, Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos has finally lifted the curtain that shrouded Blue Origin, his space tourism venture. Blue Origin Revealed - MSNBC via Boing Boing ホリエモンも同じよ…


アニメじゃないよ。 Five cars rolled overhead before the train stopped, the cars passing inches from his head, smudging his blue knit cap with grease. Mr. Autrey heard onlookers’ screams. “We’re O.K. down here,” he yelled, “but I’ve got two…

The World's Stupidest Tattoos

おバカな刺青特集。 This is the famous story of the lady who sold the space on her forehead for $10,000. Even the tattoo artist begged her not to do it. It's not known if she still has it but what a great deal for Golden Palace. Much better…

Praying Mantis Eats Hummingbird

As you can see from the photographs this hungry mantis captured and killed a hummingbird not much smaller than itself. The mantis used its spiny left foreleg to impale the hummingbird through the chest while leaving his right leg free. Pra…