

マジっすか? An online game operator has demanded that banned players donate blood to be allowed back into the game. Moliyo, which runs a 3D massively multiplayer online game in China, made the demand after banning 120,000 players who attem…

Does Today Suck?


In his new blog, BoBo C. Tiberius examines the day in history and rates whether it’s good or bad based on its "historical performance"! Does Today Suck (Historically)? – Neatorama これはCOOL!!だ!


A man from China is to finally have a huge tumour removed today after discovering it 17 years ago. Huang Liqian, 58, first discovered a bizarre growth on the back of his neck in 1990, but chose to ignore it. However, as the years rolled on…

Tetris on a Credit Card Reader

What I love about this video is what goes unsaid in it. All we see is a guy playing Tetris on a credit card reader, which is both a taunt ("I play games with your secure access technology!") and a warning ("If I can play Tetris on here, im…

Ponyo on a Cliff

The new movie, called Gake no ue no Ponyo (Ponyo on a Cliff), was written by Miyazaki himself and is the story of a little boy called Sosuke and a goldfish princess named Ponyo who wants to become human. The sketch above is of Ponyo, with …

Stephen EagleMan !?

After challenging viewers to make him a Jedi hero, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert described "an actual dream" of his. It featured a squadron of Nancy Pelosi clones, Soledad O'Brien in a gold bikini, and Karl Rove's sail barge. Battle for…

The Liberation of Baghdad

Birk has made a number of paintings, including The Liberation of Baghdad, seen here. The paintings are more satirical and ironic, and many are based on paintings of the glories of war in Napoleon’s time and from Russian socialist images of…

MySpace Predator

MySpace is full of predators – SushiLand Predatorというのは肉食動物のことだが、ネットではMySpaceで身元を明かしている未成年を狙ったpedophilia等の犯罪予備軍を指す。昨年の今頃はその危険性が盛んに指摘されていたものだが(規制法案は通ったんだっけ…

Critic for Joost

p2pの始祖Bram CohenによるJoostへの批判をValleywagも支持しているようだ。 Joost looks like a humble distributor, merely relaying the channels of content owners. And that is its genius. Joost looks just like a harmless cable operator to the b…

Rubberband Magic

Rubberband Magic - by Chris Brown – YouTube via /StumbleUpon


http://youtube.com/watch?v=u0318kv4MZc Funniest Price Is Right Moment Ever. Absolutely priceless. - digg wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Congrats!!

How Far Can the World's Biggest Rubber Band Be Shot?

A typical rubber band is 3.8cm in diameter and can be shot 5m46cm. Therefore, a rubber band 10m in diameter should be able to fly 1437 meters, or almost a mile. Right? Japanese scientists study the issue. American TV could learn a thing or…

Clown Co. - seven dwarves - History repeats itself

The rumors of a joint venture to counter the perceived Google-YouTube threat, dubbed “Clown Co.” by Google executives, are now confirmed, Confirmed: TV Networks Launch New Company To Counter Perceived Google/YouTube Threat - TechCrunch Goo…