Clown Co. - seven dwarves - History repeats itself

The rumors of a joint venture to counter the perceived Google-YouTube threat, dubbed “Clown Co.” by Google executives, are now confirmed,
Confirmed: TV Networks Launch New Company To Counter Perceived Google/YouTube Threat - TechCrunch

GooTubeに対抗する「多国籍軍」の編成が確認された模様。まぁ容易に予想された事態であるので特に驚くユーザーも少なかろう。Googleの連中は「Clown Co.」という徒名で呼んでいたそうであり、彼らも焦っている様子はない。Valleywagは早速彼らを「七人の小人」に例えたw

Were this a movie, one could call it Google against the seven dwarves.
Google Against the Seven Dwarves - Valleywag


In 1999, freaked out by the instant popularity of music download services such as Napster, the music industry decided to build its own. EMI, BMG, and, later, Sony Music -- three of the top five record labels -- teamed up with Real Networks to offer legal downloads, an alternative to the mainly pirated tracks swapped by Napster users. What happened? Musicnet, which offered only 100 downloads for the $10 per month it charged, won a place in PC World's list of the worst tech products of all time. It was sold off in 2005.
History repeats itself - Valleywag

迂闊に持ち出すと何故かバカにされるような雰囲気が漂っているのが嫌なんだけど、これってNicholas Negroponteが大昔のベストセラー「Being Digital」の中で、必ずしもTV番組が電波で配信される必要はない、と言っていた事にほんのちょっと近づいただけ。「多国籍軍」は電波を捨てたわけではないので、おまけみたいなもの。既に放映したコンテンツを改めてDVDで売るのと大して違わない。日本ではもうすぐアナログ電波を「捨てる」ことになっているけど(大笑い)、ネットとは関係ない動きだ。

  • Will users/viewers be able to upload their own videos as well (lots of this on MySpace Video already, could be incorporated)?

Confirmed: TV Networks Launch New Company To Counter Perceived Google/YouTube Threat - TechCrunch
