How Far Can the World's Biggest Rubber Band Be Shot?

A typical rubber band is 3.8cm in diameter and can be shot 5m46cm. Therefore, a rubber band 10m in diameter should be able to fly 1437 meters, or almost a mile. Right? Japanese scientists study the issue. American TV could learn a thing or two from Japanese television!
How Far Can the World's Biggest Rubber Band Be Shot? - digg


"no. the japanese don't know physics."
"How the hell do you figure that? Assuming the undefined equation here is linear seems like a complete shot in the dark to me, and it doesn't seem to make much sense logically. If I make a paper airplane out of an 8.5x11" sheet of paper and it flies 15 feet, that means that I can take a massive sheet of paper, fold that into an airplane, and it'll easily break the world record... right?"
"Japanese dont know physics? - I'm worried.... I ride in their cars often..."
"big, heavy rubber band is going to have a large inertia, which is a physical property that explains how much an object resists a change in motion. that, and it was heavy and was not resilient enough to give it enough force to make it fly very far."
"You can't just scale up things and expect their performance to increase in proportion.Ants can carry more than 10 times their weight, elephants can't.Not every physical property is in proportion with size.Some things are in proportion with size squared or with size cube"
How Far Can the World's Biggest Rubber Band Be Shot? - digg