
Does Today Suck?


In his new blog, BoBo C. Tiberius examines the day in history and rates whether it’s good or bad based on its "historical performance"! Does Today Suck (Historically)? – Neatorama これはCOOL!!だ!



If you happen to be walking along the street and see a violent act and film it with your cameraphone, you may face time in jail. The article notes the sad irony that this decision came out on the anniversary of the Rodney King incident. Fr…



痛快且つ楽しい想定。ホントにこうなったら面白いwwww こうなったら、もっとも悪くない政策は、このまま何もしないで、予定どおりアナログ停波を実施することだ。これは電波法で決められているので、法律を改正しない限り、2011年に電波は止まる。業界の楽観…

Net -- the activists who killed the 2006 Senate attempt to destroy Net Neutrality -- have just released an amazing video in support of a new law that would make Net Neutrality the law of the land. Net Neutrality video - WOW…

Microsoft’s New Enthusiast


The Vista marketing challenge saw an interesting new development today with the announcement that Microsoft has hired Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg as Enthusiast Evangelist. Microsoft Hires Michael Gartenberg as New Evangelis…

Ban Wikipedia


Here's the newest from Sen. Ted Stevens, the man who described the Internet as a series of tubes: It's time for the federal government to ban access to Wikipedia, MySpace, and social networking sites from schools and libraries. Early in Ja…

Censor in China


Rebecca McKinnon has been following two current news threads involving free speech and the internet in China. First, a number of Chinese lawyers are protesting blog censorship by the mega-portal Rebecca writes, And in related new…

F. Murray Abrahamは、その後あまり活躍してませんな...



Ted Returns !


Remember Senator Ted Stevens, who famously described the Internet as a “series of tubes”? And how about the Deleting Online Predators Act, which would have banned access to interactive websites like MySpace, Facebook and Digg in US schools…

First real HD DVD rip up on torrent sites.


Less than a month after BackupHDDVD was officially released the first confrimed (working) HD DVD rip has been seeded to a torrent site. Its a 19.6GB file in native EVO format that should play on PowerDVD and WinDVD with HD DVD playback. An…

Once an otaku, always an otaku.


"I don't think I could've done it without 2Channel," writes Train Man, who says he's still dating the pretty girl. So far, his life hasn't changed much: He works at the same company, visits Akihabara, buys comics, and watches anime. And, o…

Bounty for Vista, IE7.


The Reston, Va., security intelligence outfit threw out the monetary reward to hackers as part of a challenge program aimed at luring researchers to its controversial pay-for-flaw VCP (Vulnerability Contributor Program). VeriSign Offers Ha…

People still read news paper.


みんなネットばかりでなく新聞読んでるしテレビも見てるしラジオも聞いているってさ。 Despite reports that have predicted the complete death of the newspaper business, a new study suggests that the pull of the internet as a news gathering sourc…


