Microsoft’s New Enthusiast

The Vista marketing challenge saw an interesting new development today with the announcement that Microsoft has hired Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg as Enthusiast Evangelist.
Microsoft Hires Michael Gartenberg as New Evangelist – TechCrunch

Jupiter ResearchのMichael Gartenbergとか言う人が、Microsoftの「Enthusiast Evangelist」なるものに選ばれた、という記事。なんですか、「Enthusiast Evangelist」って。チンドン屋みたいなもん? 案の定、彼のblogのComment欄は非難轟々。

I, for one, am entirely disappointed. Your credibility just went into the crapper. I would eagerly you’re your independent, objective, and insightful” takes on all things tech for the last many years. Sadly, no more. You’ve become part of the MSFT’s “Ministry of Disinformation” the new Scoble only far more dangerous, as you are tremendously more literate and articulate. Microsoft chose well. Heck, you’ve been preaching for the last many years that MSFT needed to advance part of their media message with a “Music Czar”. They must have liked your line of thinking and heeded your advice. RSS feed (either/both) officially unsubscribed. You’ll be missed.
From Analyst to Evangelist…. Let’s get it started! – Gartenblog
