
KKK on Ferris wheel??

{ KKK, Cañon City, Colorado, 1926 } We Also Give a Shit About Having Fun - the new shelton wet via reddit ええええええ何これ???? なんか可愛いしww


プログラマの労働条件を過酷にしているのは、過酷な労働条件を受け入れるプログラマです - 分裂勘違い君劇場 主題そのものはいいんじゃね? 職業別組合作ったら? 以前、「日本の理系が敗北するたった一つのシンプルな理由」というエントリで、AAAS (American A…


「あるある」で騙される人間と同じじゃねーかw はてブで自己表現なんてみじめなこと考えるのはやめておけ - はてな匿名ダイアリー ワロタwww まるでオレみたいなセリフ吐いてるがオレじゃねーからなwwwwww

「分裂勘違い君劇場」の読み方 – その4

問題は、山形氏が一般人向けに「平均生産性で決まる」という表現をすると、具体的にどのような実害が一般人に及ぼされるのか、というところですよね。 一般人向けに「平均生産性」で説明すると、具体的にどういう実害があるのか、よく分からない。 - 劇場管…

Microsoft’s New Enthusiast


The Vista marketing challenge saw an interesting new development today with the announcement that Microsoft has hired Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg as Enthusiast Evangelist. Microsoft Hires Michael Gartenberg as New Evangelis…

The Anna Nicole Smith Top Seeds for Baby Daddy


Paternity Madness! The Anna Nicole Smith Top Seeds for Baby Daddy – CelebrityHack via Scobleizer ワロタww

’Power Leveling’ Company



The Best Valentine's ever...I hope you enjoy ! LOVE ... (more) MAKING LOVE, BEST VALENTINES EVER ! – YouTube via dig 粋だねぇw

DS convinces Miyamoto's wife


"My wife does not play any kind of games. I have tried to make her interested with various games like Tetris, but she has never showed interest, until recently," Miyamoto told CNN.."But we're beginning to tear down the walls, starting with…

Paradoxical Undressing

The recent James Kim tragedy is one of the more well known recent cases of paradoxical undressing. Kim was found laying in the snow, having succumbed to hypothermia while attempting to walk out from his snowbound car. He had taken off seve…

「分裂勘違い君劇場」の読み方 - その2


Seurat made by 106,000 aluminum cans

Chris Jordan depicts the famous artwork by Seurat [wiki] using digital images of 106,000 aluminum cans - the number used in the US every thirty seconds! Seurat’s “Sunday Afternoon …” with Digital Soda Cans. - Neatorama 10万本以上のアルミ缶…

Gates vs. Jobs

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs square off in the clean white virtual world of the iconic Mac ads. Gates vs. Jobs - YouTube via digg

girlie looking guy

I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XII for the last few days and I’ve come to the realization that SquareEnix needs to be reminded what a real man looks like. Every male character in the game is prettier looking then all the females in the ga…

Ban Wikipedia


Here's the newest from Sen. Ted Stevens, the man who described the Internet as a series of tubes: It's time for the federal government to ban access to Wikipedia, MySpace, and social networking sites from schools and libraries. Early in Ja…

「分裂勘違い君劇場」の読み方 - その3

その一般人向けに説明を行った場合の実害の具体的な差異をきちんと説明せずに、「平均生産性で決まる、などと一般人向けに説明してはいけない」というのもどうかと。 。。。と書いたら、こんな返事をいただきました。 しつこいね (池田信夫)2007-02-15 15:51…