Paradoxical Undressing

The recent James Kim tragedy is one of the more well known recent cases of paradoxical undressing. Kim was found laying in the snow, having succumbed to hypothermia while attempting to walk out from his snowbound car. He had taken off several items of clothing, including his pants.
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「Paradoxical Undressing」とは、凍死者が寒くて凍えているにも拘らず、何故か服を脱いで死んでいることを言うらしい。昨年Net界を賑わしたJames Kimの死も、そのような状態であったとの事。それを解説しているのが以下。

With vasodilation of the blood vessels, an infusion of warm blood from the core of the body rushes into the peripheral extremities. This causes the hypothermia victim to feel overly warm and to start shedding layers of clothing, contrary to the reality that their body temperature is continuing to drop.
Paradoxical Undressing - Survival Topics via reddit