


恥を忍んでお聞きします。 内緒で妻のパソコンでインターネットしてヌードとかHな写真を見まくっていたのですが、なんとなにかの表紙に見ていたエロ画像がパソコンの後ろに表示されたままになって元に戻せません!前はプーさんの画像だったのに、今はアソコ…

MythBusters Results

Will a penny dropped from a skyscraper kill a pedestrian? Does urinating on an electric fence cause electrocution? Can an obese person can get stuck on an airline vacuum toilet? Will a car engine be destroyed when sugar is put in the gas t…


中国の17歳の少年がチャットで知り合った女性とオフしてみたところ、自分では美人といってた癖にその容姿は程遠く、10歳も年上であったため自殺したってwwwwwwwww The boy arrived to discover the woman far less attractive than advertised and 10 years o…


I started to become concerned. What did he mean "you had better see what they are posting about you?" So I went back to that digg submission and saw immediately that my comment was dugg down to death. It had something like -300 diggs in le…

They are going to nuke the world!

"After countless declarations of peaceful intentions of nuclear plan, Iran's chief nuclear envoy confirms fears by saying if county is threatened, situation may change" - They are going to nuke the world!. Iranian official: If threatened, …

People still read news paper.


みんなネットばかりでなく新聞読んでるしテレビも見てるしラジオも聞いているってさ。 Despite reports that have predicted the complete death of the newspaper business, a new study suggests that the pull of the internet as a news gathering sourc…


Amazon.com has launched their own independent shoe and handbag niche website, Endless.com. Shoes and handbags will still be available on Amazon.Endless really hides the fact that Amazon owns them. Amazon.com launches independent Endless.co…

Pay Back Time !!

以前、スズメバチによるミツバチの殺戮を移したビデオを取り上げたことがあったが、今回は逆襲だ! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3642419097420044432&q=type%3Agpick&hl=en Japanese Honey Bees have set a trap for the Giant Hornet. Once the …


CRAFTY Paul Bates sent a Christmas card to a long-lost pal in this envelope with NO street name, NO town, NO postcode ― yet it arrived! The steel worker, 48, had forgotten the name of the town workmate Peter O’Leary moved to from Neath, So…


Stefan's Chokeshow/Hemsky's Game Tying Goal - YouTube via digg "CAN YOU BELIEVE WHAT WE JUST SAW?????!!!!!" wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


The cosmic diamond is a chunk of crystallised carbon, 4,000 km across, some 50 light-years from the Earth in the constellation Centaurus. Astronomers have decided to call the star "Lucy" after the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamond…


べにぢょのらぶこーる - mixiコミュ乗っ取り事件を3行で説明するよ! 煩悩是道場 - mixiコミュ乗っ取り事件は三行で説明出来ないNEW!いやー、はてブの並びがこうなってたんで、てっきり「煩悩是道場」さんが「こんな大事件とても3行じゃ伝えられねぇよ」と匙を投…


Most people use LinkedIn to “get to someone” in order to make a sale, form a partnership, or get a job. The average number of LinkedIn connections for people who work at Google is forty-seven. The average number for Harvard Business School…


図書館のエントリに対してTrackBackがきた。 その記事の内容に関連することだが、その頃に比べ、私はリバタリアニズムの考え方に対してより興味を覚えるようになった。なぜこんなことを書いたかというと、上記記事を引用して論じているブログ記事を見つけた…

She's a rocket scientist, also a Texans cheerleader!!

最近この手のFemale Geekものが流行っているが、今度のは才色兼備の兵つわものだ! Summer Williams is a Houston Texans cheerleader. She's also a rocket scientist.This is a true story. Williams is a 25-year old aerospace engineer for the Jacobs E…

Don't Mess With Keith Richards

見事に撃退してますなぁ...w Keith takes matters into his own hands when a rogue fan runs onstage. Don't Mess With Keith Richards - YouTube via digg



フイタwwww 中堅富裕層を中心に人気を集める日本料理店「タヌキ」 ロシアで熱烈日本ブーム 資源輸出で潤う生活 - Sankei Web via だめにうす 店名「タヌキ」で女性まで狸顔wwwwwwww


女性からは人気があるけど男からはそれほどでもない女性のタレントさんているじゃないですか? 蛯原友里さんに限らず。"どういうタイプ"の人がそうなると思いますか?(個人的見解で構いません) 蛯原友里さんは何故、女性に人気があり、男は興味もたないの…





なんじゃこりゃwwwww The grass is greener...on David Beckham's head. This popular Japanese planter features the soccer star's signature hairstyle and chiseled features. You can remove the hairline and above to find planted seeds ready to gr…