
If you happen to be walking along the street and see a violent act and film it with your cameraphone, you may face time in jail. The article notes the sad irony that this decision came out on the anniversary of the Rodney King incident.
France Bans Citizen Journalists From Recording Violence: Because If It's Not Recorded We Can Pretend It Never Happened – Techdirt

奇しくもRodney King事件記念日(?)に、フランスではプロ以外によるカメラ撮影とその公開が法律で禁じられたそうだ。Rodney King事件ってのは、あれだ、警官が容疑者を寄ってたかって滅多打ちにした映像が公になって物議をかもした事件だな、確か(wiki)。要するにたまたま暴力事件を見かけたとしても、それを携帯カメラで撮影したりYouTubeにuploadしたりすると、豚箱に入れられちゃうというとんでもない法案が可決になったとの事。

Update: A French journalist stopped by in the comments to suggest that the Infoworld article we linked to got the story wrong. The law is focused on stopping the filming and broadcast of such content for the purpose of "fun" and includes an exemption for filming it for proof that something is happening or in the course of trying to inform. Thus, it's not nearly as bad. However, it still seems silly to prevent such things, when all they really do is help identify those who are acting violently, making it easier for authorities to track them down.
France Bans Citizen Journalists From Recording Violence: Because If It's Not Recorded We Can Pretend It Never Happened – Techdirt