Stephen EagleMan !?

After challenging viewers to make him a Jedi hero, Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert described "an actual dream" of his. It featured a squadron of Nancy Pelosi clones, Soledad O'Brien in a gold bikini, and Karl Rove's sail barge.
Battle for Truth: The Birth of Stephen EagleMan – Machinima by Silver & Goldie via New World Notes via Boing Boing

ねぇ、ぜんがめさん。なんでStephen ColbertがNancy Pelosiと戦ってるの? 船に乗っているのはRupert Murdochかと思いきや、Karl RoveとかいうBush政権のDeputy Chief of Staffらしいし、ビキニ姿のおばさんはBill O'Reillyとケンカしてた女かと思ったら、 Soledad O'BrienとかいうCNNのキャスターらしいけど、この二人がColbert側というのもよく分からないんスよ。
「When Martin Luther King had a dream, it was of a world living in brotherhood and racial harmony. Steven Colbert also has a dream, but it's vaguely kinky and somewhat less reputable.」と書いてあるところを見ると、反Colbertなの? それとも「I think you called it a bizarre parody of a parody, or something like that; and that's precisely what it was intended (obviously) to be.」とあるとおり、それとは逆なの?