Tetris on a Credit Card Reader

What I love about this video is what goes unsaid in it. All we see is a guy playing Tetris on a credit card reader, which is both a taunt ("I play games with your secure access technology!") and a warning ("If I can play Tetris on here, imagine how easy it would be for me to steal your cash.") After a few months of this vid floating around online, British TV show Watchdog caught on and did a long and controversial segment about how easy it is for technically-knowledgeable thieves to steal your PIN number from a distance while you're paying for something or withdrawing cash. Murdoch and Drimer are in the vid showing how simple it is to steal 50 quid from one of the show's producers while he's paying for a sandwich at lunch.
The Quiet Beauty of Tetris on a Credit Card Reader – Table Of Malcontents