Arrington’s New Boss

I’m still digesting today’s somewhat surprising news that Michael Arrington has hired Heather Harde as CEO of the TechCrunch Network. For those who don’t know, Heather is currently in charge of Acquisitions and Mergers at Fox Interactive Media.
TechCrunch hires Heather Harde as CEO, will it become a VC firm? - :Ben Metcalfe via TechMeme


I have the pleasure of confirming the rumors: Heather Harde, currently the SVP of Mergers and Acquisitions at Fox Interactive Media, will start her new job as the CEO of the TechCrunch Network (and my boss) by the end of the month.
Welcome To TechCrunch, Heather – TechCrunch

あ、一瞬あの女のことかと勘違いしたw それにしても、わざわざCEOなんか据えてMichael Arringtonは何をしだすつもりのか。VCだろう、というのが先にあげた記事の見解。

Tim O’Reilly, a book publisher but self-proclaimed ‘industry intelligence gatherer’, recently launched AlphaTech Ventures as his investment dept, and I don’t think he’ll be the last to get involved in this area.
TechCrunch hires Heather Harde as CEO, will it become a VC firm? - :Ben Metcalfe via TechMeme

へー、Tim O’Reillyも最近VC作ったのか。昨年はPEF業界も大いに盛り上がっていたからなぁ。しっかし、2人とも大物とはいえ、「素人」が飛び込んでくるような芝生って、大丈夫なのかな?