
All that happened was this: Anyone trying to add a Flash widget to the site, or show an image via an inserted link, or otherwise embed any sort of code, couldn’t do it. Existing widgets worked fine, but none could be added. And if a MySpace user edited their page, any existing embedded code produced an error.
MySpace is Getting a Little Testy - TechCrunch

MySpace Blocking Widgets? - GigaOM
MySpace Disables Flash? - Mashable!
It Is Time To Wake Up and Stop MySpace’s Abusive Monopolistic Behavior - Cencorspace
The whine of a widget maker - valleywag
折りしも15日にGigaOMのRobert Youngが指摘していたことが現実になったかのような出来事だった。

What if MySpace suddenly decided to put up tollbooths and all the players within the MySpace third-party ecosystem had to start paying the mothership access fees?
Will MySpace Erect Tollbooths? - GigaOM
