
What Does TechCrunch Mean?

Christopher Johnson analyzes the name “TechCrunch.” It’s “heavy orthographically” and “serious and it gets the job done.” I actually thought up the name in about ten minutes in June 2005 based on available domain names. What Does TechCrunc…

Cyril Takayama

Cyril Takayama is a Japanese American illusionist and in this feat he tries to moves different kinds of objects through the table glass. At first he starts using a coin and it wasn’t so impressive but later on he uses the salt shaker and t…

Orli Yakuel

Her account was actually once deleted by Digg for some kind of malfeasance, though Arrington supposedly helped convince Digg to reinstate her. Yakuel's Flickr stream gushes over Techcrunch and Arrington with the starstruck enthusiasm of Ti…


Monsterbait is the kind of guy who gets turned on by playing Halo because he wants to get busy with the aliens. And he's pretty handy with the old Photoshop. The result? A blog packed with amazing CGI monster beefcake boys with frakkin mul…

The Machine is Us/ing Us

既にBlogosphereのあちこちで紹介されまくってるこれだが。 Web 2.0 in just under 5 minutes. Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us - YouTube Cool ! の一言に尽きるwww 個人的にはNetVibesが出ているのが嬉しかったり。みんなもっと使おうよ!

Grizzly Man in Financial Ruin, Selling Halo Suit

All indications from the initial clamor about the suit seemed to suggest that he would indeed find a buyer. Unfortunately for, Hurtubise, he failed to get a single offer. Now facing financial ruin, Grizzly Man Troy was forced to put the Ha…

bud lite hitch hiker super bowl XLI commercial

2/5(月)コラムの花道で町山智浩が紹介してたやつww http://youtube.com/watch?v=KRfQmWibq8A super bowl hitch hiker XLI commercial bud lite bud lite hitch hiker super bowl XLI commercial - YouTube


小川浩 : 「communication tool乃至はコミュニティのようなものをfeed baseで作っていくというものになります。」 湯川鶴章 : 「ちょっとイメージし辛いんですけど。」 小川浩 : 「もっと端的に言ってしまいますと、Webを持たないfeedと思えばいいですね。ま…

