Orli Yakuel

Her account was actually once deleted by Digg for some kind of malfeasance, though Arrington supposedly helped convince Digg to reinstate her. Yakuel's Flickr stream gushes over Techcrunch and Arrington with the starstruck enthusiasm of Tiger Beat. Yakuel is also the proprietor of Go2web20.net, "The Complete Web 2.0 Directory" -- it's a sort of Million Dollar Homepage of Web 2.0 hype. Go2web20.net is sponsored by Techcrunch, and Arrington and other Crunchies have treated the site favorably in the past.
Michael Arrington + Orli Yakuel = link love? - Valleywag

いつものArrington叩きw しかし、Orli Yakuelって美人ではないけれど、なかなかイイオンナじゃないかw