

Here’s a comical clip from the show “Japanorama”, in which presenter Jonathan Ross makes an embarrassing attempt to speak Japanese. He tries to pick up a cosplay model, using a cellphone that you listen to by sticking your finger in your e…

The Cult of the Amateur

Andrew Keen による『The Cult of the Amateur』という本が出る。「アマチュア崇拝:デジタル世界がいかに我々の経済、文化、価値を貶めているか」というタイトルはなかなかに挑発的である。 既に Dave Winer と Dan Farber の書評を読んだが、Dave Winer の…

Which way to go?

Silicon Valley no longer needs Wall Street. By Chris Taylor, Business 2.0 Magazine senior editor March 7 2007: 6:28 AM EST As Wall Street quakes, Silicon Valley yawns - Business 2.0 via Valleywag おいおい、つい先日IPOブームが帰ってきたなん…