Spend money to marketing

先に取り上げたMichael Arringtonの記事に対するFractals of Changeの見解。Michaelの論拠のひとつに、Web1.0時代に比してWeb2.0企業が必要とする(=VCが出す)資金が遥かに少ないことがあげられていたが、開発に関してはそうであっても、それだけでは足りない、という話。

I’m a nerd; I’d love to believe that building a better mousetrap is all that’s required. This was somewhat true for the last couple of years; nerd nirvana. But now the lesson that marketing Mary, my wife, is always drumming into my head is coming true again: you gotta market. And marketing cost money.
There will be plenty of Web 2.0 successes to come. But I’ll bet most of the ones that do succeed will have raised enough money in their first year to rocket themselves out of the clutter. That probably means a few million dollars plus a very, very good plan to spend it.
Web 2.0 – Greater Initial Investments Required - Fractals of Change

要するに、資金が少なくて済むということは参入障壁が低いということであって、それは多数の競合者(me too company)を生むから、差別化の為、マーケティングにもっとカネを使う必要がある、ということ。