
「What is A?」に対して「B is something like this, C is something like that...」などという頓珍漢なやり取りをする人間が実際にいる、ということを以前に書いたことがある。この手の人間は、自分では気付いていないが、要はBやCについて語りたいだけなの…

NetVibes’s Widgets

My feeling though is that all the small players are competing for some of My Yahoo's 50 million users. Netvibes may well be a "super-personalized homepage", but My Yahoo has a super-advantage with its 50M user base. I was actually wonderin…

Arrington’s New Boss

I’m still digesting today’s somewhat surprising news that Michael Arrington has hired Heather Harde as CEO of the TechCrunch Network. For those who don’t know, Heather is currently in charge of Acquisitions and Mergers at Fox Interactive M…


これまでblogに書いてきたとおり、梅田望夫なんか大嫌いで、それは陳腐なフレーズを繰り返すだけで、その意味や内容に関する説明が全くないことから信用が出来ないかったからだ。しかし、今回の「もっと褒めろよ」には大賛成だ。 かつて近所に狭くてメニューに…


欧米か*1。つっこみ待ちですよね? 売春婦を軽蔑するときは『何を』軽蔑しているのか - 不動産屋のラノベ読み 大変申し訳ないのですが、「欧米か」ってのが、どこかの芸人によるギャグであることは知っていても、実際に見たことがないので、よく分からんのですw…


質問されたので、答えられる範囲で。 人間の一部の商品化が人間全体の商品化につながるのは何故か? 商品だと人間扱いされないのは、自明なのか? 性の商品化が、その他の人間の能力の商品化と差別されるのは何故か? 『職業差別だって!? ペッ!!』に疑問提起 …


The world after the lawsuit? It sure looks like YouTube wins. What happens after Google loses? - Scobleizer YouTubeの勝ちと書いてあるが、タイトルを見れば分かる通り、Viacomには敗訴するという予想である。どういうことかは記事を読めばわかるが、興…

Family Guy 'The Fcc Song'

A funny song about the fcc from episode PTV season 5 Family Guy 'The Fcc Song' – YouTube Peter: They will clean up all your talking In a manner such as this Brian: They will make you take a tinkle When you want to take a piss Stewie: And t…

Space Invaders Alarm Clock - Video Review

This is a review of the offically licensed Space Invaders Alarm Clock, purchased in Tokyo for \3990 ($33 US). Space Invaders Alarm Clock - Video Review - YouTube via digg うわ! この音は目覚ましに使うには不愉快なのでは。それにしても、この説…

Porn Star - Family Business

WTF is the world coming to when parents would support their daughter in the porn industry. Just listen to them comment on "getting the right lighting" and how they fast forward through the sex scenes. For what, to analyze her acting? I'd f…

Let’s Evaluate VCs!

VCが企業を評価するのはありふれた光景だが、逆にentrepreneursの方がVCを評価しようというサイトが登場したとの事。 A new site called TheFunded hopes to even the odds a little by getting the information out about how VCs treat entrepreneurs. The…

Hamster Ball for Humans on water

This is definately a neat idea and i would give it a shot. I am a little concerned as you are sealed into the ball with no fresh oxygen but… you only live once. Hamster Ball for Humans on water – Weird Asia News 写真を見たときにはよく分か…

This is Liz. Sorry I'm away from the throne.

「ハーイ!どうしたの? 私、リズだけど。ゴメンね、私いま王座にいないのよね。フィリップに用事があれば1番を押してくれる? チャールズに御用の方は2番ね。コーギー*につないで欲しければ3番よ。」 エリザベス女王の留守番電話 - 医学都市伝説 これは絶対…

They were more handsome than Katsu Shintaro

my mom used to watch Zatoichi movies obsessively when she was pregnant with me. What does this mean? It means Zatoichi is quite possibly the first man to have ever entered by subconscious. Maybe even before my dad did. Zatoichi Was The Fir…


この文章じゃ何を言ってんのか分からんぞ、書き直せや。 たくさんのブログは読めないけど、一つの記事についたブックマークコメントはたくさん読める。繁盛にブックマークでコメントをしている人は、それによって、閲覧者に印象を形成している可能性がある。…

Heart-Shaped Teacup


How cute is that: when you pour it in, the tea takes the shape of a heart! Heart-Shaped Teacup. – Neatorama プレゼントにいいかもw ……って今日は3月14日じゃねーかっっ!!!

World’s Highest Swing

In South Africa, the world’s highest swing is located in a place called Oribi Gorge. The jump takes you off of a 33-story waterfall, and lasts only a few terrifying seconds, but I’m sure the feeling is hard to beat. Check out the video (yo…

Ghost plugged to computers, still out of the shell.

A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) provides a new communication channel between the human brain and the computer. Mental activity leads to changes of electrophysiological signals like the Electroencephalogram (EEG) or Electrocorticogram (ECo…



It seems like people without a tattoo are quickly becoming the minority, so those people who want to express their uniqueness with a tattoo have to get creative with design and placement in order to get noticed. This man was either really …


Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation abou…

Viacom Sues YouTube and Google for 1 Billion

Viacom Sues YouTube and Google for 1 Billion 予想通りだねえ。 YouTube and Viacom have removed my video that parodied "The Real World," along with other reality TV shows. This is a violation of my rights, and it will not go unchallenged. Yo…

職業差別だって!? ペッ!!





一言で言ってホッとしました。日本の資本主義がとんでもない方向に行っちゃう恐怖が少しだけ和らいだので。 日興コーディアル上場維持決定! - isologue 大方の感想は「日本の資本主義がとんでもない方向に行っちゃ」ったので愕然とした、というものであった…


Driving school BSM found that young drivers are more likely to drive faster on the roads after playing racing video games: More than a third of young drivers are more likely to go faster on the roads after playing on-screen driving games, …

It’s a Wonderful Internet



天下のアポロ・シアターにだっさださの格好で現れたオタクだが、歌い出したらあれま激ウマ!!で会場は大賑わい。 Get this man some shampoo and he could be a Superstar! Grungy Nerd Gets It On at the Apollo, Crowd Goes Wild! – VideoShift これ、オタ…

Photos of pol's daughters were posted on pedophile's web site

これはちょっと見逃していた。 MARCH 4--Senator Barack Obama is threatening legal action against a self-described pedophile who has posted photos of the Democratic politician's young daughters on a web site that purports to handicap the 2008…

Nico Nico Douga

It was so popular in beta-test that YouTube had to block the site from accessing its movies! One week later, Nico Nico Douga returned with its own video sharing service (with much better video and audio quality than YouTube) called SmileVi…

Redmond doing something about web apps

While this doesn’t give away a whole lot, it’s clear that the team is looking to compete directly with Google Apps and Zoho, something they don’t do now. That implies that they are building an online reader/light editor at least for Excel.…