Porn Star - Family Business

WTF is the world coming to when parents would support their daughter in the porn industry. Just listen to them comment on "getting the right lighting" and how they fast forward through the sex scenes. For what, to analyze her acting? I'd fight through 300 spartans and go through hell before I ever let my daughter do some bs like this, never.omdb
Porn Star - Family Business – digg
“What...the...fuck. If I had a daughter and she did porn, I'd probably disown her.”
“aww i'd adopt her”
“Well, if it makes her happy, and she's making a successful career out of it, what more can a parent do than to support her in her decision? I think that as a parent, the best thing you can do is support your children no matter what route they take, and offer advice and guidance along the way. She may be in the porn industry, but at least her parents ensure she is safe and well taken care of.I'm going to go pirate some of her movies now.”
“To be honest I think that's actually a good thing. If she wants to do porn then that's her decision, and having parents who are willing to be supportive can't be anything but healthy. It's better than those girls whose parents are pieces of shit and they run away and do depraved gonzo porn for scummy sites. Obviously her parents aren't very wealthy and she probably didn't get a very good education. Hopefully she can make enough money to change that for her future generations. Or something... I dunno, I'm not bothered by it.
If I have a daughter one day, though, I just hope I raise her to be smart and ambitious enough to make something far far better of herself. God damn I hope she doesn't want to do porn.”