
Wii goes where no video game has gone before

Nintendo’s efforts seemed to have paid off. The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the Wii is now the latest rage at the Sedgebrook retirement community in Lincolnshire, where the average age is 77. In particular, the Wii Bowling component …



"Time Table”


This nifty “Time Table” uses “electro-luminescent film to turn the entire top surface of the table into a subtle and tasteful digital clock.” Pricing and availability have not yet been announced. “Time Table” Tells Time - TechEBlog これは…

Hitler Rug.


Israeli artist Boaz Arad created this Hitler rug so people can wipe their feet on Adolf, er "to show how the Holocaust has scarred Israel, but also been misused by it" Hitler Rug. - Neatorama 欲しくないwww

Chainmail Condom


This is a project that started out as something quite different, but took a very naughty turn! Of course, this isn't intended to be actually worn or used--just a unique and nifty gift item for that kinky guy or girl who already has everyth…

”Japanese Racism”??

だいぶ前に「外人犯罪裏ファイル」だとかいうムックがコンビニから撤去された件を取り上げたが、その後も英語で日本の話題を扱っている幾つかのblogでこの本が取り上げられているのを見かけた。そんなこんなが、とうとうdiggにまで波及してきた模様。 Two we…


Chimpanzees living in the West African savannah have been observed fashioning deadly spears from sticks and using the tools to hunt small mammals -- the first routine production of deadly weapons ever observed in animals other than humans.…

Egyptian Two-Fer: Racism and Misogyny in One Cartoon

> The Religious Man: “This is another sign of the collapse of the Western civilization” Egyptian Two-Fer: Racism and Misogyny in One Cartoon – little green fottball via digg “Why isn't it obvious that this is a liberal Egyptian cartoonist …

Well done, boy!

Some kid singing along to "Another one Bites the Dust" into a webcam at Best Buy, unaware that it is recording his every move. Best Buy Boy – YouTube via digg カワイソwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww しかし気になるよね? “So who recorded, edited, and …

Uniqlo's recycle campaign

And then Uniqlo will take those items and ship them off to places like Thailand and Nepal via the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (the UN agency formerly led by Japan's top diplomat Sadako Ogata) and hand them out to displaced persons al…

Stringfever Bolero

www.Stringfever.co.uk a quartet with a difference. Skeletal electric strings played by world class musicians. The industrys favorite melodies and guitar riff's played by the best. Stringfever Bolero – YouTube via Neatorama こ、これは…? 横…

Mr. Satan


Found at My Confined Space: an exact look-alike of Mr. Satan [wiki], a character in Dragon Ball Z. Mr. Satan Look-Alike. – Neatorama

