
Nerdcore hip hop

Nerdcore hip hop, or geeksta rap, is a subgenre of hip hop music that is performed by nerds or geeks, and is characterized by themes and subject matter considered to be of general interest to nerds. Self-described nerdcore musician MC Fron…

VC Blog

Ask the VC by Brad Feld. VCInJerusalem by Jacob Ner-David. If you’re an entrepreneur or wannabe entrepreneur, you gotta read blogs by VCs; it’s not an option. Two New Must Read VC Blogs for Entrepreneurs - Fractals of Change 取り敢えずメモ…

Hardcore Gaming Rooms

You know you’re a hardcore gamer when…you’ve got twelve monitors dedicated to just playing MS Flight Simulator. 5 Hardcore Gaming Rooms You Don’t Want to Sleep in - TechEBlog これは凄いw ここまでやるのか。こりゃ暖房要らんな。夏は地獄www 反…


あの楽しそうな人たちが、次ぎに行く場所は何処だろう。先回りしておけばいいのかな。そうすれば仲間になれるのかな。 あの楽しそうな人たち - はてな匿名ダイアリー 楽しく読ませてもらった。気持ちは分かるが、「先回り」なんかしてEarly Adaptorになる必要は…

First real HD DVD rip up on torrent sites.


Less than a month after BackupHDDVD was officially released the first confrimed (working) HD DVD rip has been seeded to a torrent site. Its a 19.6GB file in native EVO format that should play on PowerDVD and WinDVD with HD DVD playback. An…

BoratがGolden Globeとったね


they aren't companies, they are functions

Too many people are out there working on idiot ideas. Many of the ideas out there aren't that great; they aren't companies, they are functions; and some of them aren't even that! 'Too many people working on idiot ideas' - Valleywag functio…

Anshe Chung

One resident of Second Life remembers Anshe Chung working as an "escort" out of Cannabis Cathedral in Linden Lab's virtual world. This, a reminder, the character described by BusinessWeek as a virtual land baroness, the Rockefeller of Seco…

Floppy Enterprise

Floppy disks are a thing of the past. However, that doesn't mean you have to toss them in a garbage can. Pay a tribute to another thing of the past (or, the future?)--The Starship Enterprise--and you can reminisce and recycle at the same t…

Anyone can use Linux.

"It's called Linux" he said. "A what?" I said. "Linux" he said. "A Linux?" I said. My server serves, my browser browses and my printer prints, it seems Robin is a genius. Thanks to him and Mr Linux, the viruses and crashes have gone. Blog …


これはカワイイ 何かカワイイ Koi kana fake - DailyMotion via 酔拳の王 だんげの方 確かに可愛い.....。 って、映像貼り付けられんねーじゃん! なんとかしてよ社長!! 「ビデオキは動画を簡単に紹介できるすてきなツールです」ったって、コード貼り付けられな…



みなさん、はじめまして! このたび、「私の彼はエンジニア」というブログを 担当させていただくことになりました、ロザンナです。 といっても、思いっきり日本人なのですが…; 今回は第一回目なので、簡単に私の自己紹介をしますね! 私は25歳で、派遣社…


『前半で批判した「倫理として職業的に知った事は黙っておくものだ」という事を、後半で自分自身が守っていないという滑稽な記事になっている。これはネタか?』 とされたんですけど、ひょっとして、そもそものワスの指摘が的外れだったのだろうか・・・?も…

Breast Bouncing

はてブに載ってたこれに思わず引きまくったついでに発見したもの。 Breast Bouncing - YouTube おっぱいって筋肉ないからブラで形を整えとかないとそのうちタレてしまうと聞いていたのだが、自分で動かせるとはやはり少しは筋肉あるのか。


Googleがやってくれたらしい。 Today, the NYSE has moved the issue a great step forward with a proposal to the SEC which if approved, would allow you to see real-time, last-sale prices across all Google properties including Google Finance, P…


Oct. 19, 2004, while substituting for a seventh-grade language class at Kelly Middle School, Amero claimed she could not control the graphic images appearing in an endless cycle on her computer. Teacher guilty in Norwich porn case - Norwic…

Guy burns girlfriend's cooter and asks forum what to do


Guy burns girlfriend's cooter and asks forum what to do - digg おバカw の一言に尽きますが、「OLD and confirmed to be fake like years ago」だそうです。 ところで「cooter」ってのは、やっぱりアレ....?

Wii Death tee

Watch where you sling 'em, kids. Wii Death tee - Wonderland via digg

Once an otaku, always an otaku.


"I don't think I could've done it without 2Channel," writes Train Man, who says he's still dating the pretty girl. So far, his life hasn't changed much: He works at the same company, visits Akihabara, buys comics, and watches anime. And, o…

Sand sculptures in Lommel

Sand sculptures in Lommel via digg

'The Funniest Sorry Note I Have Seen...'

Dear person, I'm sorry I put a dent in your car. I didn't want to but, I did when I tryed to park next to you. I am not leaving my information because you chose to use two spaces and I just wanted to park in one. The scratches are because …

Not Surprise in Japan?

On the day when stock markets swooned and techies buzzed over Apple Inc. Chief Executive Steve Jobs' long-awaited entry into the mobile-phone market, Japanese consumers could be excused for wondering: Why the fuss?But the revolution is alr…


In the final film of the Pirates trilogy, Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) must sail off the edge of the map, navigate treachery and betrayal, and make their final alliance…

Fascinating Pictures

Fascinating Pictures - Stuff U Can Use via digg

Dog Shock Collar

This is a hilarious video from AFV of a guy testing out the 6 stages of a dog shock collar! SO FUNNY! This is a clean video, safe for your family to watch. AFV Dog Shock Collar - YouTube via digg 「Dog Shock Collar」って矯正用の首輪? とにか…

Doomsday Photo

The picture above is from an actual test of a single U.S. nuclear missile holding at least 8 dummy warheads. Each line shows the deployed warhead striking the ocean at well over 4,000 miles per hour. Photograph of the Second Before Doomsda…


Alexander Overwijk draws a perfect freehand circle 1m in diameter in less than a second. World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion - YouTube via digg 凄いようなどうでもいいようなw 前振りが長過ぎ。

Bounty for Vista, IE7.


The Reston, Va., security intelligence outfit threw out the monetary reward to hackers as part of a challenge program aimed at luring researchers to its controversial pay-for-flaw VCP (Vulnerability Contributor Program). VeriSign Offers Ha…

SOX kicked out Clark.

Jim Clark, the founder of Web browser Netscape, has resigned as chairman of Redwood City photo printing company Shutterfly, citing securities regulations that have “gone too far.” Valley veteran Jim Clark resigns, saying regulations have “…

Ads for Tide Cold

Great new campaign for Tide Cold. The art direction is very well done, and the message comes across very nice. If you know the agency that did this, please comment. Tide - Advertising/Design Goodness