The benefit of incorporating in California

a U.C. Berkeley study shows that an entrepreneur who incorporates a venture in California, rather than investor-friendly Delaware, stands to make $1.75m more in a contested exit. How come? Startup veterans know that, by holding up a sale, they can sometimes improve their outcomes: the investors may "carve out" part of their proceeds to ensure the transaction goes through smoothly. The Berkeley paper shows, unsurprisingly, that founders do better if one of them is still CEO, or if they've denied investors board control.
The benefit of incorporating in California - Valleywag

Delaware州法がベンチャー企業の創業に有利な事は有名だが(どうしてかは忘れたww)、Berkeley校の研究結果はCaliforniaで創業された企業の方が$1.75mもexit(VCが投資を回収すること)の金額が大きかったことを示したという。その理由はthe transaction goes through smoothlyなどと述べられているが。研究結果はここ[pdf]に。長いんでabstractしか読んでないが、興味のある方はご随意に。