Sergey Regrets.

Google founder Sergey Brin told an interviewer that censoring China's search-results at the behest of the totalitarian government in Beijing was a "net negative" for Google.
Google founder regrets censoring China - Boing Boing

GoogleSergey Brinがインタビューに答えて中国における検閲行為は失敗だったと言ったそうだが、Michael Arringtonは倫理的に悔いているのではなくビジネスとして失敗だったと判断しているのが気に入らないらしい。

Now Google is saying they regret the decision to work with China. But they aren’t saying they regret the decision because it was the wrong thing to do, and helps prop up a government that continues to violate the human rights of its own people. Instead, they’re saying it was a bad business decision.
Google and China and Evilness - TechCrunch

