School Teacher!

Authorities say a 23-year-old female middle school teacher was arrested Wednesday, accused of having sex with five boys in locations including the school, at a motel, in a park and behind a restaurant.
Clinton Public Safety Director John Thomas says some of the 14- and 15-year-old victims were students at Bell Street Middle School in Laurens School District 56, where Allenna Williams Ward taught. Others went to a different school.
Teacher Accused of Having Sex With Five Boys – WLTX via dig


go grandpa!

'I pushed one and kung fu kicked the other one between the legs and he let out a scream. They ran off scared after I did that and I still had all my money.'

After a night at the pub, Buster Martin began to head home. On his way home Buster Martin showed that, even at 100, he still knew how to handle himself when he was confronted by the teenagers after a night at the pub. Whether it was the alcohol or nerves of steel, the World War II veteran (Buster joined the Grenadiers during WWII and fought in Burma, Belgium and France) scared his three attackers so much they fled empty-handed.
100 Year Old Man Kicks Teenage Gang's Ass with 'Kung Fu' – DailyCognition via digg


The A.D.S. Heat Gun

This made me think of Jon Ronson's 'The Men Who Stare at Goats'. A fantastic book about the U.S.A's non lethal weapons programmes.
Non-Lethal Weapon? The A.D.S. Heat Gun – VideoShift

The A.D.S. Heat Gunについては大昔にも紹介したけど、いよいよ本格的に配備開始?

Chinese Gold Farmers

"The documentary investigates gaming workshops in China that hire people to play online games like World of Warcraft and Lineage. The gaming workers play at least 12 hours a day to produce in-game currency.
Chinese Gold Farmers - Hired to Earn Items in WoW to Sell – VideoShift

Teenage Girls Robbery

Georgia authorities Wednesday were searching for two young women, possibly teenagers, who robbed a supermarket bank branch, laughing as they held up a teller with nothing but sunglasses to disguise their faces.

Police: Young women laughed while robbing bank – via digg

"They could be as young as 16 so it's a safe bet that Grand Theft Auto is to blame.”
"Grand Theft Auto? More like Thelma & Louise."
16 year old girls laughed while robbing bank

Yeah, I agree.

Tom Tom Club - Genius Of Love

"Genius of Love" is a 1981 (see 1981 in music) song by Tom Tom Club from their eponymous debut album, Tom Tom Club. The song makes its most notable appearance during the Tom Tom Club's section of the Talking Heads film Stop Making Sense. It is perhaps most remembered for its unique animated music video.
Tom Tom Club - Genius Of Love - VideoShift

Mariah Careyの歌だと思っている人も多いんだろうなぁ。



テレビが終わってるのに気づかない人々 - 池田信夫 blog

機械オンチの素朴な疑問。ワンセグって視聴率計れないの? PCに差し込む基盤型のチューナーは?
というのも、PCで動画を見るのが若者ならば、その動画、つまりテレビ番組のキャプチャをYouTubeにアップするのも若者だと思うからだ。みんながテレビを見なくなって、創業者が最初に予想したCGM(=ユーザー自作のコンテンツが主流となる)が実現するとはあまり想像できない。なんだかんだ言ってもみんなテレビが大好きで、Rimoがテレビ志向のサービスとなったのは、はてなの連中がそれをよく分かっているから。ネットで動画を見るったって、結局それは既存メディアが製作したものが大半。このような状況下で2011年の停波に国民が「あい、どうぞ」と言うかね? 「見れなくなっちまうじゃねーか! 勝手なことすな!!」って大反発が起こるのは必至で、その前に役人と政治家が空気を読んで延長、ぐだぐだとデジ・アナ共存が継続、デジタル・テレビの価格低下に伴ってゆっくりと移行ってのが大方の予想でしょ。