How to Insult Someone in Japanese

Clip from BBC series Adam and Joe Go Tokyo, in which Adam and Joe look at the top 5 Japanese insults
How to Insult Someone in Japanese - Videosift

BBCも暇だなw しかし「団子鼻の熊娘」なんて誰が言うんだwwwwww
If you want to know more, call the Ex-prostitute !! She is the very best to insult someone with so many nasty words. All bloggers in Japan know her name, of course it is.... Oops! Is it a racism too !? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Clip from BBC3 show Adam and Joe go Tokyo where Adam and Joe meet bizarre hyperactive fish-obsessed marine biologist sakana-kun (魚-君?) and enter into an exciting battle for a hat in the shape of a shark. Yes, really.
Adam and Joe go Tokyo: Sakanakun - YouTube

「bizarre hyperactive fish-obsessed marine biologist」のさかなくんは英国人相手でもいつもとまったく変わらないのであったwww