Yoga Cat

This is Yoga Cat. He's always stretching, whether it's in Downward Dog or Warrior One. He's soft and flexible and calming, so you might want to replace your Furby with this guy for soothing companionship at home. I just don't understand why they made him so...striped. It makes him look a little bit like a prison inmate or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. But this is totally the type of stuffed animal that will make it big among older single women who crave companionship, but not enough to get a husband.

Striped Yoga Cat Stuffed Animal – TokyoMango

いいなあ、この間の抜け方w 流行ったりしているのでしょうか。最後の一文が辛辣で、オレなんかが言ったら炎上間違いなしだけど、このblogは女性が運営しているので問題無しw 東急ハンズで売ってるんだと。オレが知らなかっただけ??