The Death Of A Million-Dollar Mirror

This Chinese stage model is holding up a mirror that is worth a million bucks. Too bad she dropped it seconds later in front of a population of 1.3 billion, which included the mirror's proud owner, Mr. Chen Fengjiu.

The Death Of A Million-Dollar Mirror - Table Of Malcontents


So my first question is, how do you apologize for something like that? How? Do you give him a million bucks? Fire the model? Buy him another mirror? Hold an elaborate funeral for it?
And then my second question: What do you do with the shattered pieces? I hear they're trying to put it back together, but I mean is that really going to do anything? I somehow doubt it. The mirror is fucked. And the guy is devastated. And the world is stripped of yet another one of its timeless treasures.
The Death Of A Million-Dollar Mirror - Table Of Malcontents