Bill Gates walks out of Daily Show

GatesがDaily Showに出演したのは前にも紹介したが、握手が終わったらさっさと帰っちゃったのをわざわざValleywagが取り上げているwwww

The Microsoft founder, at the end of an uneventful interview with the late-night news show's Jon Stewart, abruptly walked off the set. Oops. Gates must have forgotten that lesson in media training: stay seated till the red light goes off and pretend to make casual chit-chat. "He can't just leave," said the surprised host.
Bill Gates walks out of Daily Show - Valleywag

ぎゃははははは!! いーんだよ用が済んだらさっさと帰ればwww TV界のお約束なんぞNerdが知るか!! ww Larry Ellisonならいつまでも居座っていそうな気もするww
で、Jon Stewartが更にそれをネタにwww
We all suspected this was going to happen sometime...
TDS: Gates Crash! - YouTube