
The Race to Beat Google - Read/Write Web

Google対新興組の図式。赤い色の囲みがそれぞれのアプローチを示しており、「Better Technology」「Better UI」「Vertical Search」の3つである。
Vertical searchってなんだ?

Vertical search, part of a larger subgrouping known as “specialized” search, is a relatively new tier in the Internet search industry consisting of search engines that focus on specific businesses.
Vertical search - Wikipedia


“Vertical search engine” is an oxymoron.(中略)It won’t happen, says I, because broad search engines which span the whole web are what users want and need – even for extremely esoteric searches.
There Won’t be Vertical Search Engines! - Fractals of Change

で、Read/Write Webの結論は。

So overall, even though there is a lot of activity in the space, it seems like Google will remain the search king for the foreseeable future.
The Race to Beat Google - Read/Write Web
