The Wonka Coat.


Dreams do come true. You can finally get that Willy Wonka coat you’ve been dreaming about. Yes, that’s right! The coat comes in three sizes (S, M, L) and if you’re not sure which size you should get click here . The website says ‘We will n…

Axe Towel


Here is a fun DM piece for Axe Deoderants. Axe Towel - Advertising/Design Goodness

Geeky Valentine's Day

I decided to make this week's article for those who share similar interests, and for their partners, to find the coolest Valentine's Day gifts, related to their interests. Have a Geeky Valentine's Day! - SpawnPoint via digg 向こうじゃ、男…

Barbie dolls Jewelry

Margaux Lange mutilates Barbie dolls, but with better reason than anything I've ever heard before. She uses them to make beautiful jewelry. Margaux Lange's Barbie Jewelry - Table Of Malcontents これだけだとよく分からないけど、バービー人形で…

Evil Super Mario Painting

Jose "Emroca" Flores is the San Diego-based concept artist who created this awesome rendition of Evil Mario. There he is, sitting atop a looming dark brick with a grumpy, ominous look on his face as a seductive Princess Peach (or Toadstool…

I can't believe it's NOT butter!

We opened this brand new container of butter, and look at the surprise we found. We're keeping it preserved in the freezer until we get the highest bid on eBay! Good times. I can't believe it's NOT butter! - digg

The Japanese Air Force is Recruiting


Interested in joining the Japanese Air Force? I am, after seeing a picture of their recruits in action: Apparently they take a very zen-like approach to flying: first learning to “be the plane” before flying it. Either that, or they have c…

Lazy Wii Guy Shows You How It’s Done

I feel like a fool for running around the living room. Lazy Wii Guy Shows You How It’s Done - CrunchGear こいつは絶対、女にもてないwwww

He Needs New Socks.


Apparently, being president of the World Bank can't get you new socks. It was an embarrassing moment for Paul Wolfowitz, the head of the World Bank this weekend.During an official visit to Turkey, Wolfowitz obeyed local customs and removed…

Microsoft Vista Is So Off the Wall


It's a new step in outdoor advertising: Have a big billboard, then wire dancers to get all Microsofty over it! We heard that there would be a special billboard today outside the Terminal Building on 11th Ave between 27th and 28th Streets, …

Bill Gates walks out of Daily Show

GatesがDaily Showに出演したのは前にも紹介したが、握手が終わったらさっさと帰っちゃったのをわざわざValleywagが取り上げているwwww The Microsoft founder, at the end of an uneventful interview with the late-night news show's Jon Stewart, abruptl…

Erotic Apple


X Rated Apple: This is Fruit Gone Wild! - Weird Asia News エロ過ぎるwwww



こんなものがあったとは....wwww Boonga exists because kancho-ing people in public is not so welcomed these days. I feel like it was more okay in the 90s, when sexual harassment was less of a spoken-of problem and people were not so protecti…



It's been four decades since Ultraman hit TV screens all over Japan. To commemorate the anniversary of one of the first popular superhero series to be broadcast in color, toymaker Megahouse has created these stuffed Ultramen characters. Th…

Hot Racing Babes From The Orient


A great collection of hot racing babes from Korea and Japan. Some of them are really cute and sweet. Hot Racing Babes From The Orient - Hemmy.Net これは結構レベルが高いw

A driver from a distance will see a police car hiding behing a billboard, as the police typically do in Turkey/ thus the driver instinctively slow down or make sure that they are going at the legal speed limit. When they come closer they a…

Godzilla BLDG.

The people of Tokyo should construct a giant building shaped like Godzilla. Imagine what it would do to the city’s skyline, and to the tourism industry. People would come from all over to take pictures. Idea: A building shaped like Godzill…


Charlie Gandy of Twin Lakes, Colorado decided he wanted to play golf no matter what. So he built a complete 18-hole, 73-par golf course on ice. Golf Course Made Of Ice - Table of Malcontents


Honest (and wonderfully profane) car dealer commercial - VideoShift

Heil myself,Heil to me

なんじゃこれはwwwwww Springtime for Hitler and Germany (Nazi parody) - VideoShift 知らなかったので調べてみた。 A fictional play in Mel Brooks' The Producers, Springtime for Hitler: A Gay Romp With Adolf and Eva at Berchtesgaden is a musica…



But when the dog saw the cellphone that Huang had put on his tea table, it immediately took it into its mouth and ran off.Local police later told Huang the dog had been trained by thieves and was actually a “hardened criminal”. When Chines…

Jeep's Water Printing Technology

It's depressing that this cool water printing technology is being used to sell Jeeps, as opposed to any number of other totally awesome applications. Still, someday someone's going to figure out how to hook this technology up to a porno DV…




Ballmer laughs ! Microsoft CEO Ballmer laughs at Apple iPhone - YouTube 既にいろいろなところで紹介されているのでご覧になった方も多いだろうが、Ballmerちゃんの爽やかな笑顔をご覧あれwwww まぁ〜Gates君とお友達であったこと…



ニュースをダイナシにしています。 デリセンを遡っているうちに偶然発見したのだが、既に有名なPodcastなのだろうか。オヤジが下ネタでボケまくって女の子をからかうという、しょーむない、よくあるパターンなのだが、とにかくツボにはまって全部聞いてしまっ…

son’s companion


So, to divert his attention from the Internet, the parents then came up with the idea of running an advertisement to hire a young girl as the son’s companion. Online Gaming vs Sex and Chess - Weird Asia News いい両親だな〜w なんとなく既出…

手紙 means......w


"Iwo Jima" means "Sulfur Island". 手紙 means "mail/letter" in Japanese, however if they are read as Chinese, they mean "toilet paper". Clint Eastwood's new film: Toilet Paper from Sulfur Island - Boing Boing へえーへえーへえーwwww

Floppy Enterprise

Floppy disks are a thing of the past. However, that doesn't mean you have to toss them in a garbage can. Pay a tribute to another thing of the past (or, the future?)--The Starship Enterprise--and you can reminisce and recycle at the same t…



みなさん、はじめまして! このたび、「私の彼はエンジニア」というブログを 担当させていただくことになりました、ロザンナです。 といっても、思いっきり日本人なのですが…; 今回は第一回目なので、簡単に私の自己紹介をしますね! 私は25歳で、派遣社…

Breast Bouncing

はてブに載ってたこれに思わず引きまくったついでに発見したもの。 Breast Bouncing - YouTube おっぱいって筋肉ないからブラで形を整えとかないとそのうちタレてしまうと聞いていたのだが、自分で動かせるとはやはり少しは筋肉あるのか。