
Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson

なんかね、このそこそこ可愛い女の子がね、日本語教えてくれるらしいんですわw Hey guys. I'm fluent in Japanese, so I decided to share some of my skills with you. It's pretty intense. Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson – YouTube でね、早速ちゃちゃ…

Sen. Boxer lays smack down

Al Gore関連で、また楽しげな一幕があった模様wwwwwww During AL Gore's testimony on Capital Hill, Barbara Boxer had to explain to Senator Inhofe that he is no longer the Chairman - a consequence of losing the election. Inhofe (Global Warming …

the 32nd annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest

Thirteen-year-old Katharine Tuck’s sneakers are equal opportunity offenders. They smell as bad as they look. Now, the Utah seventh grader is $2,500 richer because of it: On Tuesday, she out-ranked six other children to win the 32nd annual …

YouTube sued by Viacom sued by EFF and…..?

Hilarious. We mentioned last week that Viacom could face legal action over its decision to delete YouTube clips that weren’t infringing. That’s exactly what has transpired today, with MoveOn.org Civic Action and Brave New Films suing Viaco…

Twitter Ninja

Are You a Twitter Ninja? – BLAUGH

Do Female Soldiers Get Any Privacy?

The women usually curtain off a single-sex section in the back with sheets and ponchos. But this kind of self-segregation carries the risk of alienating women from their platoon, depriving them of Army chatter, or making them seem as thoug…


こんなものがあったとはwwww 内田裕也の政見放送。英語ですw。 伝説のロケンロール - 北沢かえるの働けば自由になる日記 都民を相手にした選挙でなぜ英語?? しかし言っていることは別として、その英語は典型的なアレで、同胞にはとても聞きやすいwwwのだが…

Super Mario Drum!

This is my SUPER drum version of the Super Mario Bros Theme. Check out this and other drum videos at www.andreavadrucci.com Vadrum Meets Super Mario Bros (Drum Video) – YouTube via popurl and digg

Family Guy Celebrity Cameos from A to Z

I like Family Guy. I also like celebrities. Combine those two things with something I’m not especially fond of, the alphabet, and you’ve got the recipe for this post. Here are 26 great celebrity (real and fictional) parodies from Family Gu…

World Trade Center ad, 1984

1984 - pantherhouse.com via reddit むう。

Top ten things ten years of professional software development has taught me

I was reading this top ten list yesterday, and I thought I can problably come up with my own list of things no-one told me before I started developing software for money. This is my list. Object orientation is much harder than you think Th…