Family Guy vs Christianity

All the best religious jokes from Family Guy in one place!
Family Guy vs Christianity - YouTube

American Beautyのパロディには大笑いw しっかしFamily Guyって過激だな。アメリカには顔を真っ赤にして怒り出す人がいっぱいいるんじゃないの? と思ったけど、comment欄を見ると、全然平気みたいwwwww

Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson


Hey guys. I'm fluent in Japanese, so I decided to share some of my skills with you. It's pretty intense.
Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson – YouTube


If you don't know what I'm saying - LEARN JAPANESE!!! (or check out the original video haha)
Re: Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson – YouTube

こういう人たち大好きですよwwwwww で、まだまだ続くらしいんですわw
Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson -PART 2-
Pretty Intense Japanese Lesson -PART 3-
つーか、ここにPretty Intense Seriesがいっぱい……。 Floridaに住んでるくせに「ゆうつべ」なんて言葉を知っているところを見るとネットの上でも相当日本語に慣れ親しんでいると思われる。

Sen. Boxer lays smack down

Al Gore関連で、また楽しげな一幕があった模様wwwwwww

During AL Gore's testimony on Capital Hill, Barbara Boxer had to explain to Senator Inhofe that he is no longer the Chairman - a consequence of losing the election. Inhofe (Global Warming denier) shot off his silly question, but didn't want to hear any answer from Al Gore.
"Elections have consequences" - Sen. Boxer lays smack down – VideoShift

the 32nd annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest

Thirteen-year-old Katharine Tuck’s sneakers are equal opportunity offenders. They smell as bad as they look. Now, the Utah seventh grader is $2,500 richer because of it: On Tuesday, she out-ranked six other children to win the 32nd annual National Odor-Eaters Rotten Sneaker Contest, stinking up the joint with a pair of well-worn 1 1/2-year-old Nikes so noxious they had the judges wincing.

Kid Wins Big Money with Smelly Shoes. – Neatorama


YouTube sued by Viacom sued by EFF and…..?

Hilarious. We mentioned last week that Viacom could face legal action over its decision to delete YouTube clips that weren’t infringing. That’s exactly what has transpired today, with Civic Action and Brave New Films suing Viacom in a San Francisco court.
The case revolves a clip called “Stop the Falsiness”. It’s a parody of “The Colbert Report” that was posted to YouTube - parody is considered fair use, and by removing the clip, Viacom is being accused of misrepresentation under the DMCA. In short, it’s an abuse of the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) to order the removal of clips that aren’t infringing. No surprises about who filed the lawsuit: the EFF.
YouTubers Sue Viacom Over Stephen Colbert Clip – Mashable!

Viacom's DMCA takedown notices continue to generate controversy. The media giant fired off more than 100,000 notices to YouTube earlier this year, but it appears to have caught numerous legitimate videos in the crossfire. One of those clips, called "Stop the Falsiness," satirizes comedian Stephen Colbert, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed a federal lawsuit against Viacom, asking the judge to declare the video non-infringing.
DMCA takedown backlash: EFF sues Viacom over Colbert parody clip – ars technical


Do Female Soldiers Get Any Privacy?

The women usually curtain off a single-sex section in the back with sheets and ponchos. But this kind of self-segregation carries the risk of alienating women from their platoon, depriving them of Army chatter, or making them seem as though they need special treatment. In particular, females in leadership positions can't afford to live apart from the male soldiers they command. For them this means changing clothes inside sleeping bags―a practice many male soldiers also adopt.

Do Female Soldiers Get Any Privacy? – slate